Viruses and Cancer

Prepared for educational use by Kelly Raber, et al.
Used with permission.

Cancer needlessly claims the lives of about 560,000 Americans each year!1 This article explores the use of CoQ-10, an immune stimulant. My intent is to educate, inspire, and show unprecedented hope to you and your loved ones. 

When the immune system is compromised, gene-damaging viruses are able to invade the DNA of healthy cells, thus creating cancerous cells.

Viruses Attack DNA

One largely unspoken cause of cancer is viral-related. Viruses attack DNA, which cause the immune system to weaken, thus resulting in different types of cancer.3 Breast4 and prostate5 cancer, two of the most prevalent cancers, are two examples of viral-related cancers. In a study of human breast cancer, 38.5% of the cancerous tissues examined contained a rodent-transmitted virus:3 mouse mammary tumor virus.

Viruses have contributed to the worldwide cancer epidemic. Aging and malnutrition weaken the body’s immune system and consequently leave the body vulnerable to harmful viruses. In the U.S., 77% of all cancer patients are 55 years and older.1 As of 2007, there were over 186,000 cases of cancer resulting from malnutrition, and the rates continue to grow!1

Some known viruses that cause cancer include: hepatitis B virus (HBV),1 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),1 human papilloma virus (HPV),1 and helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).1 Studies have shown that 75% of liver cancer is caused by Hepatitis B or C.The Epstein Barr viurs (EBV) infects more than 90% of the world population.9 EBV has been linked to: breast cancer, gastric cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lymphomas, Hodgkin’s disease / lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, and African Burkitt’s lymphoma.2,9

The fundamental difference between cancerous and non-cancerous cells is that cancerous cells do not respond to adjacent cell commands.6 Cancer is a metabolic parasite which destroys the body’s bio-energy6 and invades functioning organs. Co-Q10 promotes the body’s creation of bio-energy by rebuilding and repairing the immune system. Co-Q10 is required in all human cells. In fact, low blood levels of Co-Q10 have been detected in patients with cancer.13

Healthy Immune System and Cancer

A study reviewed the relation of Co-Q10 to the regression of breast cancer.7,10 When 90 mg of Co-Q10 was administed daily for 3 months, 6 of 32 patients had partial cancer regression.7,10 When 300 and 390 mg of Co-Q10 were given daily for 4 months, 2 of 2 patients had complete cancer regression.7,10 In other studies, a 49-year-old patient had complete disappearance of lung-area tumor after 6 months of daily doses of 390 mg Co-Q10.8,10 A 75-year-old patient had complete remission with no metastases of single breast cancer after lumpectomy and taking 390 mg of Co-Q10 daily8 for 4 months.

The National Cancer Institute peer-reviewed studies and anecdotal evidence10 and reported that patients who supplemented with Co-Q10 outlive the statistical mortality rate for patients with pancreatic, lung, rectal, laryngeal, colon, and prostate cancers.10


Persons with cancer should take a multi-function approach to repairing their body. One must detoxify the body and impart metabolic energy where it is needed. Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy can destroy cancer cells.12 Sanguinarine is an herbal antioxidants that has been proven to destroy cancer cells.11 The addition of ATP to the body will convert the poisonous waste of the cancer into energy. And Co-Q10 is an antioxidant scavenger which stimulates the immune system and helps cells produce energy.

1. Cancer Facts and figures, 2007
2. Cancer Research 55, 39-45, January 1, 1995
3. Cancer Research 55, 5173-5179, November 15, 1995
4. Global Cancer Statistics, 2002
5. PMID: 8800746 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
6. The Molecular Basis of Cell Structure and Function ISBN: 0-87901-047-9
7. PMID: 7908519 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
8. PMID: 7612003 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
9. Clinical Cancer Research 803; Vol. 10, 803-821, February 1, 2004
11. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2004; 1(8), August 2004
12. Pancreas. 28(4): 401-412, May 2004

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