Defeating Cancer-Related Fatigue

Prepared for educational use by Kelly Raber, et al.
Used with permission.

Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) affects up to 99% of cancer patients.3 This article explores the use of two BioRenue™ products: Endocrine Mender™, a natural endocrine support, and ATP Pure Energy™ (adenosine 5′-triphosphate), the body’s cellular energy source. My intent is to educate, inspire, and empower the reader.

Decreased Quality of Life

Cancer-related fatigue is a relentless sense of exhaustion related to cancer and allopathic cancer treatments.1 Unlike typical fatigue, CRF is not linked to exercise level and is not improved by rest or sleep. Studies suggest that CRF can be the most distressing side-effect of allopathic cancer treatments.1,3 In fact, 99% of breast cancer patientsand 78% of lung cancer patients4 experience CRF. Surveys have shown that the fatigue can persist for months – and even years – after cancer remission.In every CRF study up to date, CRF has been shown to decrease the cancer patient’s quality of life.4 A quote from a medical journal, The Oncologist®: “Cancer treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone thereapy cause suffering and distress that lead to impaired quality of life….”7.

Mechanisms Underlying CFR

Mechanisms suggested for causing CRF include dysregulation of hormones, neurotransmitters and cytokine; disruption of the hypothalamic – pituitary – gland; dysfunction of the adrenal axis glands; and a significant deficiency in ATP8 energy cycle.1,5

The body requires energy to repair itself; ATP Pure Energy™ supplies that need. ATP helps replace energy loss due to cancer and other metabolic depleting diseases/ deficiencies. Research has shown that ATP reverses CRF and cachexia.13 Cachexia is starvation from cancer due to the breakdown of the metabolic processes, and is one of the most disturbing aspects of CRF.

The adrenal glands help the body’s metabolic function, cell function, and regulate emotions. Cancer, other diseases, and emotional or psychological stress (physical pain) can deplete the adrenals,causing a decrease in the output of adrenal hormones. Natural Endocrine Mender™ will help repair, unburden and nourish the broken down adrenal glands.

What Damages the Endocrine Systems?

Nutritional deficiencies9 and allopathic drugs have been proven to create endocrine damage/diseases.11,12 Selenoproteins (proteins abundant in selenium) are involved in enhancing the functions of the endocrine pancreas and adrenal glands.9 Primary adrenal insufficiency, known as Addison’s disease, creates a mortality rate that is two times greater than the average population. The typical cause of death from adrenal fatigue is reported as heart disease, malignancies (cancer), and infectious diseases.10

Allopathic drugs which create endocrine/adrenal damage are the commonly prescribed adrenal steroids, classified as glucocorticoids. Synthetic steroid drugs such as Prednisone block the production of natural cortisol. This action creates deficiencies classified as diseases, e.g., diabetes. Some of the most infamous side effects of Prednisone are: infection, bleeding of the stomach or intestines, osteoporosis, diabetes, Cushing’s syndrome, depression, and complete stoppage of the heart.12 This is just a small sample of the known side effects of this dangerous Big Pharma drug.11 In fact, one third of all patients taking glucocoritcoids experience sever undesirable reactions such as significant mood disturbance and sleep disruption.12


Fatigue is a paramount concern for those who have cancer. ATP Pure Energy™ and Endocrine Mender™ address the fundamental problems of cancer-related fatigue by rebuilding the body from within.

1. The Oncologist 2007; 12(suppl 1):22-34
2. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 19, No 14 (July 15), 2001: pp 3385-3391
3. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 18, No 4 (February), 2000: pp 743-753
4. Journal of the National Cancer Institue Monographs No. 32, 2004 41
5. The Oncologist 2007; 12(suppl 1): 1-3
6. The Oncologist 2007; 12(suppl 1): 43-51
7. The Oncologist 2007; 12(suppl 1): 52-67
8. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol 92, No. 4, February 16, 2000
9. Endocrine Reviews 26(7): 944-984
10. PubMed 2006 Dec 91 (12) 4849 53. Epub 2006 Sep 12
12. BMJ 1998; 316:244-245 (24 January)
13. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol 92, No. 4, February 16, 2000

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